March 8, 2023 - Today, the U.S. Department of Education announced five finalists in the Future Finder Challenge, a $1 million challenge to reimagine career navigation for adult learners. This is the first time the Department has launched a challenge to advance the education technology space for adult learners. The finalists will receive $50,000 each to support the development of their prototype tool and will participate in a virtual accelerator — six months of intensive technical assistance to further develop their products.

The Future Finder Challenge brings collaboration and innovation into the adult education environment through education technology. This challenge supports the Secretary’s “Raise the Bar: Lead the World” priority to ensure that every student has a pathway to college and career.
The challenge received 76 submissions in response to the Office of Career, Technical and Adult Education’s (OCTAE) invitation to build digital career navigation tools that better support adult learners. Entrant teams — including minority-, women-, Veteran-, LGBTQ+-, and Native American-owned organizations from 29 states — submitted prototypes ranging from skills assessment and career matching to mentor access and job application tools.
Gladeo is honored to be one of the finalists.